Brain-cation: Mental Time Off

Hey, hey, hey! I'm curious, did you put into practice any of those tips from our previous blog to improve your self-esteem?? I sure hope you’re being intentional about starting spring off with a fresh perspective. When the season changes, it’s a great time to consider if we need a shift in seasons in our personal lives too.

So, what are you doing about self-care these days? You may be aware that many professionals are burned out, leaving what used to be dream jobs, starting their own business, referring to figure out what kind of life they want, etc. It’s real out here in these working streets. Well, I am not exempt from that experience. As many of you know, I am taking a much-needed vacation in April to do some traveling before re-embarking full-fledged into business endeavors. 

At Eunoia, we have counseled many clients who are not in the helping profession but are equally burned out, leaving jobs, and opting to just stay at home and not work for a while. I get that too! If you are not experiencing burnout, great. This article will help you to avoid burnout and for those of you who are burned out, this article will give you some tips on how to curb burnout and get back to doing the work you love - in your timing, of course. 😉

If you are in the corporate world, you may be aware of the #greatresignation that is plummeting the workforce. People are just done with workplaces that are not conducive to their mental health, work-life balance, and overall peace. After the pandemic and seeing people be here one day and gone the next…Look, I think we all got a wake-up call that some of the things we let stress us out are just NOT THAT SERIOUS. Many of us let go of dead-end relationships, friendships, jobs, bills, lifestyles, and conversations that really weren't adding to a sense of happiness. I think it's good to do personal housekeeping like this a few times a year. Or else we end up finding ourselves off track wondering how the hell we ended up here. Can you relate?

Ok, let me drop a few jewels on you…Here are 3 tips to avoid and curb burnout in your work!

1. Take time off

This is especially true for my fellow entrepreneurs, but relevant for everyone. We can literally start believing that if we don't work our lives will fall apart, the business will burn down, we’ll get fired, and be homeless tomorrow. Have you been there? LOL It’s ok, you are not alone. Look, I know work has to get done - I am not ignoring that reality, but I also know you need to rest and have balance in life. Here are a few suggestions to create space for you to take off. First, plan it. Set a date and stick to it. If you like the idea of “grinding it out”, use that time to grind towards your goals before you take time off. Second, communicate your plans with your supervisor, contracts, clients, etc. If they need something from you before you leave - this is the time to wrap up those projects so you can be free of those pesky emails about deadlines while you’re out. Third, plan what you are going to do. If you’re like me, you’ll probably wait a month before your planned time off to solidify this part. Even if that means sitting at home or doing a staycation at a boutique hotel in your city eating Oreos, watching movies, ordering in, and working out afterward lol Do what you have to do to feel relaxed and mentally free from the responsibilities of day to day life. It’s possible. People do it every day, and guess what? You’re worth it!

2. Consider a different role/career

Yep, you read that right! Making a drastic change like this can save you from the trenches of burnout. Many people chose to work in a different role in their company or leave to embark on a 2nd career altogether. This doesn't have to be a long-term solution unless you end up loving the new work. It can be a humbling, yet empowering experience to take care of yourself in this way. What catches most up in this is guilt, feelings of being overly responsible for others' feelings and opinions, and wondering how to explain this change. 

Let me ask you this, does anyone pay your bills? Do they help you carry the mental load that comes with your work? If you answered no to any of these questions then do what you need to do sis. If you answered yes, then consider negotiating with that person(s) about what a middle ground can look like, because at the end of the day, you are still feeling stretched thin. There’s always room to negotiate, even when others are involved with our finances and decisions. 

3. Practice healthy detachment from your work

Leave work at work. I know that can be hard if you work from home, but I want you to start practicing what this can look like for you. Some find it helpful to have an “end of day” routine to help them mentally and physically remove themselves from their workflow. Here are a few suggestions for an “end of the day” routine. 

First, leave your work laptop in the trunk of your car, or in the garage, or put it in the front closet. If you work from home, clear off your desk, close your computer, and tidy up your workspace. Put all visible signs of work away. 

After you've done this, second, say “Alexa, play my playlist on the everywhere group!” Hopefully, she follows your command the first time, but if we’re honest, Alexa works when she wants to…Maybe we should take some tips from her? LOL j/k 

Third, take a walk, get some fresh air, and disconnect from the last 8 hours of your day. While you walk, practice some gratitude for your day, what you accomplished, that you're taking this short walk, just for you. 

Fourth, enjoy a good meal and some cuddle time with someone you love, I don't care if it's your boo, a cat, dog, bird, yourself, etc. Get some physical touch in. I am a big proponent of self-hugging. The pandemic forced many solo home dwellers to learn how to self-soothe and get that physical touch need met. Try it! 

I hope one of these three jewels will help you practice self-care with work, and avoid or curb burnout in your life. Let me know in the comments if any of these work for you! If you or someone you know needs support and wants to connect with a dope therapist serving clients in Texas, Arkansas, or Florida, let us know by shooting us an email at You can learn more about our therapist here.  We love to hear from you!

Beatrice Klokpah